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Modding Tools

Palitra (2.46mb) [Download]
The Palitra tool will recolor animation frames to any color you want, you can specify different colors to automatically change colors in in whole animations, this is particularly useful if you have used the Graphics Packages Viewer to extract frames, as in these extracted frames the units national color has been set to default blue and should be pink and also the background color is black and not the specific green for transparency. The Palitra tools other uses include changing the animation speed of a unit, it does this by increasing the frame count to give the appearance of a longer animation. It can also cut the frame count so there are less .BMP frames.
Note: Palitra is written in Russian, I tried to translate all the Russian text that the program uses, but unfortunately it is hard coded and cannot be manipulated, so I had to take screenshots and translate the Russian text to English this way, the translated screens are available with the tool and also available below.
How to use Palitra:
Open Palitra and click the first drop down menu, select the first editing option, this will change the animation frames background color to the correct transparent green one. Open up a .lst file and Palitra will edit the black background in every frame in the .lst file to the transparent green color. You will find the finished frames in extracted folder (where the .lst file is).

The second editing option will change the national color from a specific blue to the correct pink color, click on the pink boxes to select your color, as the blue color in each frame varies due to shading. (shade is a darker blue).

The third editing option will change similar colors.

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