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Modding Tools

GSC File Utility (32kb) [Download]
The GSC File Utility will unpack all of the games data files, animations etc. The GSC File Utility will also pack all the new units & data files that you have made or modified for your mod so that you can play them in the game. You need to have Cossacks or American Conquest (depending which game your modding) installed on your PC to use this tool.
Using the GSC File Utility to unpack GSC files:
Start the GSC File Utility, then select File>Open from the menu and browse to your American Conquest directory, usually C:\Program Files\American Conquest - Fight Back, and select the All.GSC file. All the files inside the All.GSC file will now be visible, you can now select which files you wish to unpack, or click "Select All" if you want all the files unpacked. Check the "Extract as "+" box. In the "Extract to folder" box enter the path you want all the files unpacked to. Now click the extract button and the GSC File Utility will begin to unpack all the selected files, this can take a bit of time depending on your PC specs. Now head to the folder you chose to unpack the files to and find all the unpacked files ready for editing/viewing.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Using the GSC File Utility to pack up GSC files:
When you have made or modified a new unit or changed a data parameter file, you need to pack these files up so they can be used by the game engine. To do this start the GSC File Utility and click the "File Generator" box, now you will need to drag the files you want to add to the tool, so open up the folder which has your modified files in it and drag them across to the GSC File Utility. Then select these files and click the "Generate" button, the tool will then pack your files and place the packed file in the "generated" folder that is in your "CI GSC Utility" folder.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Adding the mod file to the game:
Now head to the "generated" folder and find the newly created patch01.gs1, copy and paste this to your American Conquest directory, normally C:\Program Files\American Conquest - Fight Back. It is advisable to always backup any files that you may need to replace, the easy way to do this is just simply add a .bak extension to the file you want to keep, and if you want to use it again you just remove the .bak extension, e.g. patch01.gs1.bak.
Start the game to play your new mod!

A note on Packing with folder/sub directories:
The GSC File Utility unfortunately won't handle any folders, you need to specify a + for the folders, more info coming on that soon.


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