This program isn't really for specifically modding Cossacks or American Conquest but you can use it when you want to show your new unit animations to other people. Because most 3D unit programs like Poser, 3D Studio etc. will save an animation as an .avi file they are often very big files and also has to be played in a media player, if you have the animation in .gif format you can put it on any website and it will display straight from there. Movie to Animated GIF Converter will convert an .avi file to .gif format, its a great program that is fast and has several options.
The MD PiX tool will assign all the points/coordinates on a building where special effects appear such as fire, smoke, the path where a unit enters or exits a building, block points where the building is placed (so units can't walk straight through the building but have to walk around) and also where the peasants go when they construct the building.
The Palitra tool will recolor animation frames to any color you want, you can specify different colors to automatically change colors in in whole animations, this is particularly useful if you have used the Graphics Packages Viewer to extract frames, as in these extracted frames the units national color has been set to default blue and should be pink and also the background color is black and not the specific green for transparency. The Palitra tools other uses include changing the animation speed of a unit, it does this by increasing the frame count to give the appearance of a longer animation. It can also cut the frame count so there are less .BMP frames.
The Graphics Packages Viewer will view/play any of the games animations or graphics files. These are the .GP files that contain unit animations (such as a unit firing, walking, dying etc.) and also buildings and other graphics.
Also included with this tool is the MegaPack tool. The MegaPack tool will pack your new unit & building .bmp frames into the .GP format so they can be added to the game.
The GSC File Utility will unpack all of the games data files, animations etc. The GSC File Utility will also pack all the new units & data files that you have made or modified for your mod so that you can play them in the game.